I’m Pinny Girl; I love to bake and I love to make things.

My kitchen table is a happy place; it’s the heart of my home and my life seems to gravitate around the wonderful feelings and findings that baking and making has to offer. Plus, I love to wear pinnies!

For me, a spot of baking on a Sunday afternoon is one sure-fire way to feel happy. Add to this a dibble and a dabble in hand-made skincare, a knit and a natter over a comforting cuppa or a spot of sewing on a sunny morning and the heart is well and truly content.

That’s what this blog is about: sharing recipes, craft ideas and all-round ‘nice’ things to do that bring about a warm, cosy feeling that signals all is well with the world (even if it’s chucking it down with rain, the heating is on the blink and you’ve just spilled something quite positively stain-inducing down your favourite jumper!).

I’m a passionate home cook, convinced that giving a few ingredients a good mix and popping them in the oven, be them sweet or savory, is the key to a jolly good way of life. I’m also a believer in getting hands-on and being creative – so I’ve donned my pinny (got to look the part, after all!) and stepped up to the challenge to bake and make my way to happiness!

Explore my adventures by clicking on the ‘Baking and Making’ link on the left. I hope you will follow my journey and (hopefully) feel happy too! After all, life’s too short, so you might as well enjoy a deliciously satisfying, home-made ride! And remember, no matter how bad it gets, there’s always cake…!

Here’s to a happy life and a happy time around the kitchen table!

Pinny Girl


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